Dental Implants in Subiaco

A missing tooth can be uncomfortable and embarrassing.

Implants are the better solution for replacing lost teeth. They look, feel, and function like your natural teeth. Dental implants last longer than dentures because they fuse with the natural bone to become an integral part of your jawbone over time. And unlike dentures, dental implants won’t slip or shift because they’re anchored in place.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

You can restore lost or damaged teeth in a variety of ways. However, a dental implant prosthesis has several advantages over other replacement tooth alternatives like dentures and bridges. The benefits include the following:

Natural-looking teeth

Dental implants are aesthetically pleasing and can mimic the function of a natural tooth with minimal restrictions. They are an excellent way of restoring your natural chewing ability. Taking care of your implanted teeth is just like caring for your natural teeth. You should gently brush and floss as you usually would.

Last For Several Years

Dental implants are more long-lasting than other tooth-replacement alternatives, such as bridges and removable dentures. The titanium screw used in dental implants does not harm your jaw since it is biocompatible.

Maintain Gingival Health

Losing a tooth has far more severe consequences than simply being unattractive. It makes you more vulnerable to periodontal disease and discomfort. If you don't have natural protection, food can quickly accumulate between the gaps and spaces in your oral cavity.

Prevent Bone Loss

Tooth loss may be caused by various things, such as injury or tooth decay. Losing a tooth can be harmful to your overall oral health. Without an implant, the jaw bone in the extracted tooth will deteriorate or resorb. Lack of growth stimulation will cause it to decrease in volume over time.

Prevent Facial Sagging

The teeth and the jaw bone contribute to the shape of your face; this means that losing a tooth can lead to facial sagging. The distance between the nose and the chin begins to shorten, with the lower third of the face starting to collapse. More wrinkles around the mouth and thinning lips make people look older than their actual age.

Restore Bite Force

Because dental implants are anchored into your jaw with a titanium post that replaces the tooth root, they allow you to bite the same amount of force you would use with your natural teeth. Other tooth replacement options don’t restore as much of your bite force because they sit on top of the gums and aren’t anchored in place.

Why choose Subi Smilemakers in Subiaco for your dental implants?

If you’re looking for a dentist in Subiaco, we can help. You can trust our team of highly experienced dentists and staff to provide you with the highest quality care possible. Our office is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, and we offer a wide range of treatments, including general dentistrycosmetic dentistryorthodontics, endodontics (root canal treatment), periodontal therapy (gum disease treatment), and dental surgery.

At Subi Smilemakers, we believe that everyone deserves a beautiful smile they can be proud of.  Visit us today, and let us help give your smile the makeover it needs!

Frequently asked questions About Dental Implants

Enhanced appearance: A dental implant prosthesis is created to resemble your healthy teeth and becomes permanent after osseointegration with the jaw bone.

Better speech quality: As the teeth are well anchored in the bone, they do not move, thereby improving the quality of your speech.

Comfortable: Dental implants function like your real teeth, allowing you to eat with confidence.

Boost self-esteem: With dental implants, you can have your beautiful smile and self-confidence back.

Healthier oral cavity: Dental implants do not require the use of the adjacent teeth to be supported, which means the individual tooth structure of the nearby healthy teeth is not affected. This improves long-term oral health since it allows easy access between surrounding teeth to be brushed and flossed.

Stability: Implants are long-lasting and durable. With appropriate maintenance, many implants can last a long time.

Convenient: Dental implants are a long-lasting solution to the problems associated with dentures. They also eliminate the hassle of removing dentures and the use of adhesives to keep them in place.

Most people who are healthy enough to have a standard dental extraction or oral surgery can get dental implants. Patients must have adequate solid jawbone and healthy gum tissue to support the implant. If not, they need to undergo additional treatment such as a bone graft before getting the implant. They should also maintain good oral hygiene and see a dentist for regular check-ups. 

Children are not suitable for dental implants since their jaw and bone tissue are still developing. In addition, patients who smoke and/or have medical conditions such as an autoimmune disease, uncontrolled diabetes, or a blood clotting disorder may not be good candidates for treatment since the implant success rate can be jeopardized.

  • Brush your false teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste at least twice daily.
  • Clean the area around the implant’s dental crown with a soft brush.
  • To get into the hard-to-reach areas between your teeth implants, use a nylon-coated interdental brush.
  • Use implant-specific floss or unwaxed tape to floss twice daily.
  • To keep your mouth healthy, use an oral irrigator that has been prescribed for you.

In the case of overdentures

  • Each day, take out your temporary teeth and soak them in the specified cleanser for the recommended amount of time.
  • Check for worn or missing locator caps, and clips and notify your dentist.
  • Before putting your overdenture in your mouth, make sure it’s completely clean and dry.
  • Use a denture brush to clean the underside of the denture.

Swelling and bruising of the gums and face, pain at the implant-site, and minor bleeding are all possible side effects of single-stage or multi-stage dental implant surgery.

After dental implant surgery, you may require pain relief or antibiotics. Be sure to follow up with your oral surgeon right away if any post-operative symptoms worsen.

You may need to consume soft foods for a while after each stage of surgery to let the surgical site recover. Your oral surgeon will remove any stitches that don’t dissolve on their own during your scheduled dental visit.

If there is enough healthy jawbone, a dental implant system may be placed the same day a tooth is extracted. The majority of dentists advise waiting 3 to 6 months after tooth extraction so that the wound can completely heal.

Before the surgery, the oral surgeon will numb the region with a local anesthetic to eliminate any pain. Those with dental anxiety may opt for intravenous sedation. You won’t feel any discomfort while they’re drilling or while your implant is being installed. The most uncomfortable aspect is the pressure. Before the operation, your doctor may give you painkillers to alleviate pain as soon as the anesthetic has worn off.

If you are not a candidate for dental implants, dentures or dental bridges are alternative options.

Dentures: Dentures are a common type of tooth replacement for people who have lost all or part of their teeth. They can be a partially removable or complete, depending on the situation. This dental prosthesis won’t feel like your natural teeth, but it will restore your bright smile and dental function. Some common types are partial denture, full denture for the entire arch of teeth, and implant-supported denture. 

Dental Bridges: These may be constructed with one to three prosthetic teeth or crowns that match your other teeth, so they blend in perfectly. One benefit of having a dental bridge is that they are permanently cemented into your teeth (tooth-supported fixed bridge), so there’s no need to remove them for cleaning.


Take enough rest: Since it is oral surgery, you’ll need to get plenty of rest for your body to recover. Keep your head propped up with pillows to keep the blood circulation going throughout the day. It decreases painful swelling and excessive bleeding.

Eat soft foods only: You’ll have food restrictions during the healing period. It is best to eat soft foods to avoid straining your mouth.

Apply an ice pack: It is normal to experience swelling on your face. Ice packs should be placed on your jaw repeatedly throughout the first 24 hours. The ice pack should be applied alternately to each side if you had surgery on both sides. After a few days, the swelling should have subsided. If it gets worse and you see pus coming out of one incision or you develop a fever, go to the doctor right away. 

Take care of the blood clot: During the first few days following your surgery, refrain from drinking carbonated beverages and alcohol. Smoking and spitting are also prohibited during the first few days following oral surgery since they might prevent the clot from healing correctly.

 Take pain medication as prescribed: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help you feel better until your pain has disappeared. Over-the-counter medicines might be sufficient for mild pains. However, strong medication may be given if necessary.

 Check-up after surgery: You should attend any post-surgery follow up appointments with your dentist. These are important for them to evaluate and monitor your condition. 


Avoid abrasive toothpaste: Do not use whitening or brightening toothpaste or those with baking soda or activated charcoal since these abrasive toothpastes are harmful to your tooth replacement. 

Don’t spit and drink using a straw: You shouldn’t spit or drink through a straw right after surgery, as this puts pressure on your mouth and may negatively affect the implant site. 

Refrain from eating hard and chewy foods. During the healing process, avoid irritating your teeth and gum tissue by eating foods that are too cold, hot, spicy, hard, or tough.

Don’t smoke cigarettes: Smoking has a negative impact on the healing process after surgery, and cause failure of the implant treatment.

Avoid doing strenuous activities: Rigid exercise or strenuous activity in the days following surgery can put strain on the gum tissue during the healing process. Doing such activities can cause excess bleeding and swelling.

From start to finish, the treatment might take as little as six months if everything goes smoothly. It’s not unusual to finish the procedure a year or more after losing a tooth.

The length of treatment will vary depending on your dental health, such as whether you’ve had adequate bone mass or gum disease. The implant methods used by the oral surgeon also determine how long the whole process takes.


Dental implant screws have traditionally been made of titanium. Titanium dental implants are biocompatible, which means the body tolerates them. They can fuse with the jaw bone and eventually become an artificial tooth root.  


Zirconia is another option that has grown out of recent advances in dentistry. They have been utilized in several nations since the late 1990s. Zirconia is a crystal material that is biocompatible with the human body. It’s a durable material that’s used in dentistry for fillings and crowns, among other things.

Dental implants made of titanium or zirconium have different advantages.

Titanium, for example, has a proven track record in both medical and dental settings. It differs from zirconia in that it was more adaptable, and has long been the metal of choice for bone and plate implants of various kinds.

Throughout history, titanium has proved to be far more efficient than zirconia as a dental implant material.

  • Two-piece titanium dental implant systems are available for the fabrication of titanium implant materials and designs. It’s an abutment that sits on top of the implant and attaches to the new tooth. It’s also possible to use a surgically inserted post. This is not possible with zirconia. It is made as a whole, not in pieces.
  • Because titanium is biocompatible, it makes for the greatest dental implant material. That means it’s a perfect fit for the human body. Also, it’s capable of fusing with the bone in human bodies.
  • The two-piece approach makes it possible to create an implant that is specifically designed to address inadequate bone density. In other words, it is possible to have a charming grin despite the bone loss.
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